Software is an aggregate of data and commands presented in an objective form and intended for the operation of a computer and other computer apparatus for the purpose of obtaining a certain result, including the preparatory materials produced in the course of elaboration of the computer program, and the audiovisual representations generated thereby.
What are computer software and databases?
Software is an aggregate of data and commands presented in an objective form and intended for the operation of a computer and other computer apparatus for the purpose of obtaining a certain result, including the preparatory materials produced in the course of elaboration of the computer program, and the audiovisual representations generated thereby.
For example, this article was created in Microsoft Office Word (as a result of the authors` work).
Since software is, essentially, a human-created code, it is protected as a copyrighted literary work.
Database is an aggregate of independent works (articles, calculations, statutory acts, court decisions and other similar materials), presented in an objective form, systemized so that these materials can be indexed and processed by means of a computer. Databases are protected by copyright.
Are you required to register software or databases?
Computer software and databases are protected by copyright automatically from the moment of creation. However, on practice it is usually difficult to prove that software rights belong to the author; it stems from the fact that many a software is created by a group of co-authors, or through commission. These types of relationships are commonly formalized without due care.
Situations like these can be avoided by applying for state-provided non-mandatory registration of computer software or database.
What does it take?
If you have computer software or a database and you want to receive additional assurance regarding the accessory of your exclusive rights, reach out to us — we will advise you on the necessary paperwork, procedures, fees, terms, etc. in a timely manner.